Apr 17, 2019 Rolf Warming All Posts, Combat Archaeology, Research, Uncategorized 4
Numerous attempts have been made to reconstruct Viking Age round shields, this possibly being one of the most characteristic pieces of equipment carried by warriors of that period. Such...Aug 10, 2018 Rolf Warming All Posts, Combat Archaeology, Our Artefact of the Month 2
Introductory Note: For the past few weeks, Rolf Warming (Society for Combat Archaeology) has been working closely with the 3D scanning team from Rigsters with the aim of producing highly detailed...Feb 20, 2018 Rolf Warming All Posts, Combat Archaeology 0
Textile, or at least linen, is commonly used in modern reconstructions of Viking Age round shields to cover the surface of the shield for better structural strength. However, while there is...Dec 28, 2016 Rolf Warming All Posts, Combat Archaeology, Uncategorized 0
Original single-edged sword from the Viking Age (SHM 27001). Photo: courtesy of Tord Bergelin. Introduction In December 2016, our friend and collaboration partner, blacksmith Tord Bergelin from...