Mar 06, 2024 Rolf Warming All Posts 0
Speaker:Jacob Nyborg Andreassen, archaeologist/curator at the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde and SoCA Trustee. Date/time: 18.30 (CET) on 4 April, 2024 Description: In 1962, five Viking Age ships were...Apr 19, 2023 Rolf Warming All Posts, Combat Archaeology 2
On June 15th, Dr. Andreas Hansen (Head Physician and SoCA trustee) will be giving an online lecture on ‘the physiology of combat’. The lecture will explore what happens inside the mind and body...Oct 09, 2020 Rolf Warming All Posts, Combat Archaeology, Research, Uncategorized 2
In a careful interdisciplinary study of rare shields finds, published today in English in the peer-reviewed journal, Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission, we are finally able to reveal the...Oct 05, 2020 Rolf Warming All Posts, Combat Archaeology, Our Artefact of the Month, Research, Uncategorized 0
Background In the summer of 1495, King John I of Denmark set out on an important diplomatic mission aboard his flagship, GRIBSHUNDEN (English= “Griffin-Hound”), or the GRIFFIN, as she is also...Apr 17, 2019 Rolf Warming All Posts, Combat Archaeology, Research, Uncategorized 4
Numerous attempts have been made to reconstruct Viking Age round shields, this possibly being one of the most characteristic pieces of equipment carried by warriors of that period. Such...Apr 09, 2019 Rolf Warming All Posts, Our Artefact of the Month, Research 3
The shield handle of the Viking Age shield excavated at Trelleborg (Denmark) has been a subject of much debate, partly because of general rarity of extant Viking Age shield handles and the...Aug 26, 2018 Rolf Warming All Posts, Combat Archaeology, Uncategorized 0
Introductory Note: For the past few weeks, Rolf Warming (Society for Combat Archaeology) has been working closely with the 3D scanning team from Rigsters with the aim of producing highly detailed...Jul 24, 2018 Rolf Warming All Posts, Combat Archaeology, Uncategorized 0
Introductory Note: For the past few weeks, Rolf Warming (Society for Combat Archaeology) has been working closely with the 3D scanning team from Rigsters with the aim of producing highly detailed...Feb 20, 2018 Rolf Warming All Posts, Combat Archaeology 0
Textile, or at least linen, is commonly used in modern reconstructions of Viking Age round shields to cover the surface of the shield for better structural strength. However, while there is...Mar 15, 2017 Rolf Warming All Posts, Combat Archaeology, Combative Arts 0
The Society for Combat Archaeology sees itself as an interdisciplinary platform for sharing research and updates on subjects relating to combat/conflict/battlefield archaeology. We are therefore...