Apr 17, 2019 Rolf Warming All Posts, Combat Archaeology, Research, Uncategorized 4
Numerous attempts have been made to reconstruct Viking Age round shields, this possibly being one of the most characteristic pieces of equipment carried by warriors of that period. Such...Apr 09, 2019 Rolf Warming All Posts, Our Artefact of the Month, Research 3
The shield handle of the Viking Age shield excavated at Trelleborg (Denmark) has been a subject of much debate, partly because of general rarity of extant Viking Age shield handles and the...Feb 26, 2018 Konrad Kessler All Posts, Combat Archaeology 0
Introductory note: In May 2018 – almost 100 years after the abdication of the last prince of the house of Schwarzburg – the Schwarzburger Zeughaus, the armoury of the Schwarzburg castle, is to...Dec 28, 2016 Rolf Warming All Posts, Combat Archaeology, Uncategorized 0
Original single-edged sword from the Viking Age (SHM 27001). Photo: courtesy of Tord Bergelin. Introduction In December 2016, our friend and collaboration partner, blacksmith Tord Bergelin from...Apr 29, 2015 Eric Rodriguez All Posts, Combat Archaeology, Uncategorized 1
Introduction In recent decades, landscape archaeology has redefined wetlands, not simply as boundaries, but as dynamic areas that both housed and influenced the daily experiences of their...Jan 26, 2015 Rolf Warming All Posts, Combat Archaeology, Our Artefact of the Month 2
A peculiar class of swords emerge in the earliest periods of the Danish Bronze Age, namely the curved sword. The specimens from Rørby Mose, western Zealand, are amongst some of the most impressive...